DE-SO architects specified American Elm for this music and dance school in Melun, Bahrain, for the texture of its interlocking grain and its warmth.
American elm is a survivor of the Dutch elm disease which devastated elm populations elsewhere in the world.
Ulmus rubra
slippery elm, brown elm, grey elm
American red elm trees are now naturally regenerating in some regions making supplies patchy. Distribution is widespread but trees are greatly influenced by site conditions. Trees are relatively small, often with divided trunks.
FIA data shows U.S. elm growing stock is 298 million m3, 2.0% of total U.S. hardwood growing stock. American elm is growing 5.9 million m3 per year while the harvest is 2.5 million m3 per year. The net volume (after harvest) is increasing 3.41 million m3 each year. U.S. elm growth exceeds harvest in most significant producing states with the exception of Ohio. Despite surviving Dutch elm disease American elm is still susceptible to the disease which has impacted on growth and harvest in some States.