Literatur / Sammlung von Veröffentlichungen

Wir sehen es als unsere Aufgabe an, im Namen der Industrie dazu beizutragen, Inspiration und Information zur Verfügung zu stellen. Gleichzeitig möchten wir vermitteln, dass amerikanische Laubhölzer einen kreativen Prozess mitgestalten können. Dies tun wir, indem wir Original-Berichte, Fotografie und Film in Auftrag geben und technische Publikationen für Designer, Architekten und Ingenieure erstellen.

Educational and interesting collections of discussions with key figures in the architecture, design, environment and science fields. Dive into longer length debates around key issues in the industry or discover an exclusive 10 minute interview with notable designers. Available on your usual streaming platforms.

Creative and technical guides created by us for designers, architects and engineers to help provide inspiration, information and evidence that American hardwoods can shape a creative process.

Original reports, commissioned by us to provide information and evidence of the legality and sustainability of American hardwoods.

Introduction to U.S. forestry regulation

It is increasingly important for buyers and users of forest products to understand the regulatory framework governing forest management in the countries from where timber is sourced. Laws like the EU Timber Regulation and U.S. Lacey Act require that traders and manufacturers demonstrate this knowledge to regulators so they are assured of a negligible risk of illegal harvest.

Demonstrating the sustainability of U.S. hardwood products

AHEC’s strategy is to demonstrate sustainability against environmental attributes identified in scientific life cycle assessment (LCA) as relevant to U.S. hardwood.