American cherry

American cherry is a supreme hardwood species from the U.S. hardwood forests and is unique to North America, with warm colour tones and superb finishing qualities.

Latin Name

Prunus serotina

Other Common Names

Black cherry


American forest cherry trees grow principally in the northeast of the USA in mixed hardwood forests. The species is different from the many floral cherries planted throughout the world. It is a single species; the trees growing tall and often in dense stands in several U.S. states, notably Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia and West Virginia. Cherry has a relatively short rotation, taking less time to mature than other hardwoods. Much of the current resource is the result of cherry’s ability to regenerate naturally after forest fires.


FIA data shows U.S. cherry growing stock is 423.6 million m3, 2.9% of total U.S. hardwood growing stock. American cherry is growing 10.3 million m3 per year while the harvest is 4.9 million m3 per year. The net volume (after harvest) is increasing by 5.4 million m3 each year. U.S. cherry growth exceeds harvest in all the main producing states.



Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina