
Kami melihatnya sebagai peran kami, atas nama industri kami, untuk membantu memberikan inspirasi, informasi, dan bukti bahwa hardwood Amerika bisa membentuk dan menjadi bagian dari suatu proses kreatif. Kami melakukannya dengan menugaskan pembuatan laporan orisinil, fotografi, dan film, serta mengembangkan publikasi teknis bagi para perancang, arsitek, dan insinyur.

Educational and interesting collections of discussions with key figures in the architecture, design, environment and science fields. Dive into longer length debates around key issues in the industry or discover an exclusive 10 minute interview with notable designers. Available on your usual streaming platforms.

Panduan kreatif dan teknis yang kami buat untuk para perancang, arsitek, dan insinyur dalam membantu memberikan inspirasi, informasi, dan bukti bahwa hardwood Amerika bisa membentuk dan menjadi bagian dari suatu proses kreatif.

Laporan orisinil yang kami buat untuk memberikan informasi dan bukti terhadap legalitas dan keberlanjutan hardwood Amerika.

AHEC Comment on draft EU Deforestation Law

A positive initiative but geolocation requirement needs adaptation to avoid discrimination against non-industrial forest operators supplying diverse hardwood products.

Telling the whole story: The environmental life cycle of American hardwoods

All products have an impact on the environment and this impact can occur at any time during the manufacture, usage or at end of life. All these stages are collectively called a life-cycle. Products have impacts from: material extraction and transport; processing, manufacture, distribution and installation; maintenance and refurbishment; to eventual end of life and disposal.

Maximising carbon storage through sustainable forest management

This briefing draws on information from a range of recent studies to show how a policy of active forest management including sustainable timber production can offer significant carbon benefits compared to a strategy that relies only on forest preservation.