
Connected - the full story

Nine international designers were challenged to create a table and seating, exploring how the onset of Covid-19 has changed how designers and craftsmen work and create. They each had a choice of three American hardwoods for their designs – cherry, maple and red oak – and worked remotely from their improvised home offices, relying on technology like Zoom to develop their designs from a distance.

Through sketches, interviews and video diaries, we followed the Connected journey from the initial brief, to the manufacturing of all designs at Benchmark, to the final exhibition of the nine pieces at the Design Museum.

The designers involved were: Ini Archibong, Maria Bruun, Maria Jeglinska-Adamczewska, Heatherwick Studio, Studiopepe, Studio Swine, Jaime Hayon, Sebastian Herkner and Sabine Marcelis.