• rycotewood michael buick
  • rycotewood michael buick
  • rycotewood michael buick
  • rycotewood michael buick
  • rycotewood michael buick

Michael Buick | 2018

Michael has been interested in the idea of peg joints since last year and wanted to explore this further. The joints are formed by a simple dowel and peg system held together without any glue or screws, meaning they can be dismantled with ease. In London especially, moving houses every few years is very commonplace, yet very few designers are catering to this shift in lifestyle. “I wanted to create beautiful pieces of furniture that are easy to build, dismantle, store and transport.”

The red oak lent itself particularly well to this type of furniture because the timber needed to be durable for knocking in pegs, reassembling and dismantling.

“I particularly enjoyed taking an idea at the outset and being given the chance to really explore it from various aspects of design, manufacture and end use. At the same time, we got the invaluable input from our tutors and also external perspectives from Phil Koomen and the American Hardwood Export Council, giving us another take on our work."

Michael is working towards starting his own furniture company, developing the concept of pegged furniture further.

