• Deniz Yenidogan
  • Deniz Yenidogan
  • Deniz Yenidogan
  • Deniz Yenidogan

Deniz Yenidogan


Initial design proposal

In today’s design, permanence is provided by the form and craftsmanship of the objects, as well as the poetry and the concept it conveys.

“Pruva,” a bench design confronting individualism and irresponsible consumption. By not allowing solitary sitting, it emphasizes sharing over selfishness. Encouraging consciousness of actions, fostering community awareness, and shared responsibility. An experiential approach communicates its message, reinforcing empathy and unity. Transforming sitting into a collective act. 

Design development and production process

In the creation process of “Pruva,” the aim is to emphasize that the designs of objects in our surroundings influence people’s behaviors. Evaluating excessive consumption and production as per the project brief highlights the importance of responsible behavior in the variety offered by manufacturers. The fundamental starting point of “Pruva” is the belief in a better future achieved through unity and sharing. This notion is conveyed through the design by restricting solo seating, symbolizing a collective effort. This aspect bestows a socio-political significance on the design, emphasizing its legacy for the future. “Pruva” features irregular-asymmetric surfaces instead of clean lines, emphasizing the natural beauty of wooden material. The design process involved Yonga Mobilya’s prototype experiments, material selection, and production details, all evaluated collaboratively with the Circle team and esteemed Jury Members to reach the final outcome.