Nkuli Nhleko

Nkuli Nhleko, is an Art Curator at Everard Read Gallery and the co-founder of Imbewu Design, an Interior Design Studio. She specializes in crafting visually striking spaces that offer experiential and conceptually rich environments. Nhleko's design approach revolves around creating multi-layered sensory experiences through a thoughtful interplay of materiality, color, and form. Nkuli is committed to dedicating her design career to authentically capturing the essence of Afro-contemporary design language. She poses questions about the identity of post-colonial Africans and explores how artistic expression can communicate this new diverse and celebrated identity. For her, design represents the most eloquent means of affirming who we are and what legacy we wish to impart.

"Design is a universal language, a powerful form of artistic expression that proudly declares: 'This is who we are.'"

IG: imbewu_design